Chandra babu Naidu is rushing to the people with unscrupulous criticism on the ruling congress government and with false promises. All of you know that in the 9 year ruling of CB Naidu, people belong to various sections lost their economical, social and even food security . But now he is talking about social welfare schemes . I am not to place the ear says , herewith I am furnishing my personal bitter experience with CBN ,his pashee, and the local leaders of TDP.
In November of 1997, CB was the CM of AP. And he was announcing that his government is of the people and people may give their suggestions for better administration. By this I was inspired . Even though I am the fan of NTR and NTR was my roll model for me I was to check the reliability of the words of NCB.
From 1986 itself I was observing the problems of our country. Any one can list the problems in thousands. But I had found that all the problems of India are just the side effects of only one problem that is poverty. Many intellectuals may say many causes for the poverty in India. But in my analysis I invented that due to unequal opportunity to contribute to the national income and an unequal share in national income is the only cause for the poverty.
What is national income:
The value of the goods and services produced in a year is called National income
What is per capital income:
If u divide the National income with population u get per capital income.
Share in papers:
By this common man gets a share in the income of a capitalist, star or an industrialist in papers only. So that even though the per capital income is rising the poverty is constant.
Equal opportunity to contribute to the national income:
To eradicate the poverty in India there must be an equal opportunity for a common man to contribute to the national income. As it is not so the poverty is continuing .
For production (contributing to the national income) factors of production are vital. For rendering services skill and opportunities are necessary.
Factors of production:
There are 4 factors of production i.e., Land, labor, capital and organization .
Two sections of people:
Due to the caste system prevailing in India there are 2 sections . One is ruling and the other is being ruled. Due caste system education was refused to a section. The section which is ruling is having Land, Capital, and Organization with them. The ruled class is struggling just with the Labour.
Only if the factors of production are distributed equally among the above two classes, the weaker, ruled class people may not get equal share in NI. You cannot pluck the capital as it is always fluctuating. In connection with land already some trails had took place but fruit less. In the matter of organization also some trails were tried and filed.
Agriculturists Societies:
As the land is constant, it can be transferred to weaker section. But if lands plucked there may be blood sheds. To avoid this Agriculturists Societies must be formed and the lands can be transferred to the above agriculturists Societies at a lease proposal. Co operative farming must go on.
Form of Government:
In the present form of Government in India these type of revolutionary reforms are impossible. For the I had suggested the presidential form of government. In the present indirect democracy the PM is not enjoying full powers , his hands are tied with the MPs. Above all this is the era of coalition governments. The PM is to bow to all parties having one or two MPs also.
Direct Elections:
If there is a direct election and the PM is elected directly by the people he may not be in a position to waste all of his time in satisfying the MPs. He can depute intellectuals to the upper house. Above all the people belong to SC,ST, BC and minorities vote in favor of a person (even if the 50% of 52 % in a triangle fight) he would be the God father of the above sections and as he is enjoying full powers he can do justice to the people who voted in favor.